Lyfthelm website goes live

The new Lyfthelm website went live this morning, giving a lot more detail about what the company is about and what we can do.

Lyfthelm is a mobile app development specialist, with expertise in iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Mobile and Symbian development. We aim to help our clients capitalise on the 40% of UK internet usage that takes place on mobile devices. Consumers, in particular, are increasingly choosing to use their mobile devices to access digital services in preference to desktop PCs.

The site showcases two of Lyfthelm’s first customers: iState Systems and the Royal Mail.

For iState Systems, Lyfthelm delivered an innovative mobile banking solution. For Royal Mail, we developed a bespoke app that lets customers design and purchase customised postage stamps from their smart phone. You can read more about both projects via the “Our Work” section of the new Lyfthelm site.

If you’d like to know more about what Lyfthelm can do for your business, do browse the new site, and feel free to drop us a line.


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