ZDclock 1.9.120

ZDclock 1.9.120

ZDclock 1.9.120

ZDclock 1.9.120 apk

Requirements: Android 1.5+

Overview: Life comes easy with ZDclock

ZDclock 1.9.120ZDclock=Evernote+Alarm clock, Gorgeous Conbination, Easy to use, All free with no ads

Wake up, Birthday, Anniversary, Credit, Rotating shifts, Medicine, Utilities, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, Custom, etc.

ZDclock is a ringing evernote. With it,you don’t have to remember what matters or check notes from time to time. ZDclock will remind you at the right time.

Life is too short to be in a hurry. Just make it easy:)

★3 Widgets (So pretty and useful)

★Wake up (Record your unique ringtones)

★Birthday (My VIP list)

★Anniversary (Special days in life)

★Credit card (Good credit is a great fortune)

★Rotating shifts (Unique feature)

★Utilities (Really easy to forget)

★Rents (To be a good tenant)

★Countdown (Green hand for cooking, exercise for good health)

★Party (Don’t be late)

★Medicine (Get well soon)

★Bank loans (So many bills to pay)

★Greetings (Don’t neglect family&friends even on busy days)

★Conference (Interesting coferences are too rare to miss)

★Custom alarm (Just DIY)


★Hourly chime (Chimes on the selected hour)

★Ring once, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, Weeks(e.g. quarterly=every 12 weeks) , Days(e.g. every 8 days)

Free ZDclock 1.9.120 apk


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