Timeout3g-free v1.3.0d

Timeout3g-free v1.3.0d

Timeout3g-free v1.3.0d

Timeout3g-free v1.3.0d apk

Requirements: Android 1.6+

Overview: ‘Timeout3g’ switch the data connection (edge,2g,3g,H,…) automatically OFF after a timeout on screen off in order to save power, and makes the connexion running on screen on.

Timeout3g-free v1.3.0d‘Timeout3g’ switch the data connection (edge,2g,3g,H,…) automatically OFF after a timeout on screen off in order to save power, and makes the connexion running on screen on.

Time before disconnection can be set by user.

Full version comes back periodically so other apps can check for emails, etc.

Notification bar mode picker like in full version will also be added to free version, but later.

If you’re using a taskiller, then please add timeout3g to the safe list.

Default language: English

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Free Timeout3g-free v1.3.0d apk


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