GoneMAD Music Player Full v1.0.7
GoneMAD Music Player Full v1.0.7 apk
Requirements: Android 1.6+
Overview: GoneMAD Music Player is a feature-rich music player for Android devices
Feature-Rich Music Player and Media Library
GoneMAD Music Player is a feature-rich music player for Android devices running 1.6 and up
You can submit bug/crash reports from within the app. Email issues/suggestions to gonemadsoftware@gmail.com (email me bugs instead of posting in comments as I cannot respond to comments). If you experiences issues with any of the updates, try doing a fresh install.
Help: http://gonemadmusicplayer.blogspot.com/p/help.html
Want to help translate GMMP to another language? Visit here: http://www.getlocalization.com/gonemadmusicplayer/
(Note: Some of these features are disabled by default. They can be enabled in the preferences)
-Runs on Android OS 1.6+
-Supports the following formats: aac(mp4/m4a/m4b), mp3, ogg, wav, flac, tta, ape, wv, mpc, alac and wma (wma lossless not supported)
-True gapless playback (mp3 and aac gapless supported on most devices | THERE IS AN OPTION IN THE PREFERENCES UNDER AUDIO TO TURN THIS ON)
-Customizable 2 to 10 band graphic equalizer with 3 quality settings.
-Preamp gain control
-Left/Right audio balance adjustments
-Additional support for the 2.3+ android equalizer
-Save/Load equalizer presets
-Ability to jump directly to a specific time in the audio track
-Highly optimized media library, designed for large music libraries (50k+), that works with every supported format
-Contains views for artists, albums, genres, songs with optional statistics
-Supports the album artist tag
-Built in tag editor (supports mass editing)
-Save/Load playlists or create playlists on the fly
-Supports m3u, pls and wpl playlist file formats (online streaming not supported yet)
-Edit playlists with an easy to use drag and drop interface
-2 Shuffle modes: Shuffle Playlist and Shuffle Collection
-Custom actions on playlist completion: Stop, Play Random, Loop Playlist, Play Random Album, Play Rest of Album
File Browser:
-Built in file browser to navigate your collection
-Automatically scans in new music as you navigate
-Option to display file using the info in their tags instead of just the filename
Album Art:
-Automatically download album art
-Reads art embedded in audio files
-Reads art present in the album’s directory
-Manual search feature that lets you search google, bing, or the local folder to choose the album art
-Scrobble support: (ScrobbleDroid and Simple LastFm Scrobbler)
-Auto resume playback when ending a phone call
-Auto pause/play when unplugging/plugging in a headset
-Bluetooth headset controls
-Automatically adjust volume when connecting/disconnect bluetooth audio or wired headsets
-Comes with a 2×1, 2×2 and 4×2 widget
-Supports gestures to change tracks
-High customization: Nearly everything is customizable
New in GoneMAD Music Player Full v1.0.7 apk
-Fixed issue where the end of playback for a flac file can bring the device to a halt
-Fixed crash when playing mono flac files
-Fixed issue where album art would not update when going back to the previous track
-Fixed issue where the incorrect song would sometimes play next after editing the playlist
-Fixed exception on bad file path
-Check website for status/progress on 1.1
Free GoneMAD Music Player Full v1.0.7 apk
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