Titanium Restore BETA root v1.0.1

Titanium Restore BETA root v1.0.1

Titanium Restore BETA root v1.0.1

Titanium Restore BETA root v1.0.1 apk

Requirements: Android 1.6+

Overview: Why pay for something you can get for FREE? Batch restore for Titanium Backup!

Titanium Restore enables you to restore (in batch too) your backups made with the popular Android Backup Software: TitaniumBackup!

Titanium Restore BETA root v1.0.1####PAY ATTENTION####: TitaniumRestore needs to work: ROOT -ed Phone and backups done with TitaniumBackup (You can find it on Android Market).

It offers many functionality like restore only .apk or only data, uninstall apps and so on! So what are you waiting for? Just try it right now!

PLEASE NOTE: By downloading this application you accept to known that Elaware.it and Titanium Restore are NOT associated in any ways to Titanium Track and its app: Titanium Backup. Thanks.

Free Titanium Restore BETA root v1.0.1 apk


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