PowerAMP Shaker v0.2

PowerAMP Shaker v0.2

PowerAMP Shaker v0.2

PowerAMP Shaker v0.2 apk

Requirements: Android 1.6+

Overview: PowerAMP Shaker allow you to control PowerAMP playback , just shaking your phone to left or right.

PowerAMP Shaker v0.2A lot of settings allow you more control of using this application.

How to control:

Shake to left – to change track to previous

Shake to right- to change track to next

Double shake to left – to change folder to previous

Double shake to left – to change folder to next

Try using clear moves. To better result make some practice and use settings to make it more intelligent.

Please make sure, your accelerometer is calibrated well.

Free PowerAMP Shaker v0.2 apk


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