Easy Export (Save as Excel) v1.03

Easy Export (Save as Excel) v1.03

Easy Export (Save as Excel) v1.03

Easy Export (Save as Excel) v1.03 apk

Requirements: Android 2.0+

Overview: Easy Export is a tool which could save phone information as excel file,thus you could save your phone information and view them in computer.

The Best Export Tool

Easy Export is a tool which could save phone information as excel file,thus you could save your phone information and view them in computer.

It could save :



3.Browser History



6.Auto statistics for above data,for example total call time.

Information are saved as Excel file ,it is convenient to view and process.

Please Note:

This app is not designed to be a “backup&restore” tool,it is used to “export” phone information as excel file which is viewed and stored in your computer,the main function of this app is that let user could delete old information in their phone to make phone more faster , but still have a backup file of these old information which could be used for future view&check, so it dose not have a restore function.


1.Very Easy to use,only one click is enough.

2.Flexible settings choice ,you could control which part you want to save,for example ,if you do not want to save bookmarks,just de-select the bookmark checkbox.

3.Save all information in address book,not only name and number,there are also mail address,instant message,address,note,nickname ,organization and website.

4.Sort options.You could decide sort the information by time,or by people.

5.User could send the generated excel file to mail box when process ends.

6.User-friendly UI.

7.Four Excel style could choose(Blue,Green,Pink,Black)

8.Detailed report,including numbers of each items,time used,file size.

9.Auto Statistics,for example,total call time ,outgoing call time and so on.

10.More features are coming soon.

Tested Devices:

HTC Desire S,

Moto ME860/Atrix 4G,

Moto ME525/defy,

Samsung Nexus S

Free Easy Export (Save as Excel) v1.03 apk


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