E Numbers Calc v1.3

E Numbers Calc v1.3

E Numbers Calc v1.3

E Numbers Calc v1.3 apk

Requirements: Android 1.6+

Overview: There are food additives in almost every food that you consume – some of them are safe, but some are harmful to your health. With this application, you can quickly check „which is which“ whenever you go shopping.

E Numbers Calc v1.3This application can assist you in your food shopping. With the E Calculator, you can find the additive by its E number very quickly, or you can search the additive by name, using the E List (this case is especially useful when the food manufacturer uses names of additives instead of E numbers). E numbers are categorized from 1 (good) to 5 (dangerous), to give you an idea about their safety or health risks.

More than 500 food additives with their name, safety level and purpose are included in this application. You can easily switch between different languages of food additives names, this is extremely useful when you are abroad and want to check additives written in foreign language (currently English, German, French, Spanish and Czech is supported). Also detailed information about most of additives are included – like dietary restrictions for vegetarians, vegans and religious groups, detailed description of side effects, origin and other information. No need to download any data from internet, everything is included inside of the application.

The program is localized in English, French, German, Spanish and Czech language.

Give us feedback, we will prepare new versions of this application with features that will be customized to your request!

Free E Numbers Calc v1.3 apk


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